Селезнёв Петр sit close to the TV - никуда не подошло.1. Maria wants to learn to swim.She should get some lessons.2. I don't feel well today.You should consult the doctor. — Проконсультироваться с врачом, сходить на приём.3. I may be late for the lesson,I am afraid. I've been waiting for the tram for 20 minutes already but it hasn't come yet. What should I do? You shouldn't sit up late. — Не спать допоздна.4. I have too much work to do. It's 11 o'clock already. I think I'll have to work for 2-3 hours. You should get another job. — Найти другую работу.5. She can't get home.She has lost the keys. She should call the police. — Позвонить в полицию.6. There is a terrible smell in the kitchen.You should air the room. — Проветрить комнату.7. He wants to be strong and healthy. He should take up sports. — Заняться спортом.8. Bob and Tim are really nervous about their exams. They shouldn't worry so much. — Так беспокоиться.