
Al. Match the words on the left and the endings on the right. 1) entertain a.-ion 2) attract b. -ter 3) chat с -er 4)

Ответ или решение1

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A1. Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.

1-d) entertainment 2-a) attraction 3-b) chatter 4-c) camper 

A2. Choose the appropriate word (or words).

Chemistry was the ... subject for Stacy.

1) most difficult 3) more difficult 2) difficult 4) difficulty

A3. Match the words on the left and on the right to make the compound adjectives.

1-b) high-speed 2-d) old-fashioned 3-c) well-known 4-a) open-faced

A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

We spent the day ... among the cars.

1)walk 2) were walking 3) walked 4) walking

B1. Write the sentences with the Gerund.

1) I agreed to meet after having breakfast. 2) My brother is keen on painting pictures. 3) It is worth doing it. 

C1. Imagine that you are staying in an English town with a host family. You want to spend Saturday morning in the town. Ask a member of the host family about the places you can visit, what the opening hours are, what the entrance fees are. Write down three questions.

1) Is the museum open for tourists on Saturdays?

2) What are the most popular places of interest in your city?

3) How much does the entrance fee to the Gallery cost?