
5. Исправь ошибки - зачеркни лишнее слово 1. They're the Betsy's toys. 2. It's a her tea set. 3. Whose is this is? 4.

Ответ 1

Дорофеев Олег
  1. They're the Betsy's toys. — They are Betsy’s toys. (the)
  2. It's a her tea set. — It's her tea set. (a)
  3. Whose is this is? — Whose is this? (is)
  4. It's is Mum's. — It's Mum's. (is)
  5. My desk is a brown. — My desk is brown. (a)
  6. Look like at the TV. — Look at the TV. (like)