
Read and translate the sentences. Decide which of the underlined nouns (существительных) are countable or uncountable

Ответ или решение1

Некрасов Валерий


1. We have read all the official papers.Мы прочитали все официальное газеты. 'Papers' here is a countable noun, meaning 'newspapers'.

There were some sheets of paper on the table. На столе лежало несколько листов бумаги.Paper' here is an uncountable noun, means material. 

2.Two coffees, please. Два кофе, пожалуйста. Coffee' here is a countable noun, meaning 'a cup of coffee'.

I like strong coffee.Я люблю крепкий кофе . 'Coffee' here is an  uncountable noun, meaning 'coffee as a drink in general'. 

3. Give me two glasses. Дай мне 2 стакана 'Glass' here is a countable noun, meaning 'a container for drinking made of glass.

Are they made of glass or plastics? Они сделаны из стекла или из пластика?' Glass' here is an uncountable noun, which denotes material. 

4. Many thousands of bricks are produced at the factory. Много тысяч кирпичей производятся на фабрике. '' 'Brick' is a countable noun here, meaning rectangular building materials. Our school is built of brick. Наша школа построен из кирпича. 'Brick' is an uncountable noun here, meaning material.