
Task II. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct tense form. 1. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade _______

Ответ или решение1

Брагин Артём

1. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade was signed in Geneva in 1947.
2. Goods which are imported outright for use or consumption within the customs territory are declared for home use.
3. The current Russian word for Customs, "tamozhnya", originated in the times of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
4. Before the passenger boards a plane, he goes through the customs control.
5. Not until the passenger clears customs formalities, he is legally free to enter the country to which he travels.
6. We had been waiting in the arrival lounge for an hour before they unloaded the luggage.
7. The customs inspector will help you if you have questions about any point of the declaration.